Spotlight Artist: Sheryl Crowley

Sheryl Crowley was angry... 

Anger. Grief. Frustration. Sadness…We all have days where the difficult feelings feel overwhelming. 

How we relate to these feelings as artists is essential…

They can be powerful guides if we let them.

Anger gives us energy. 

Sadness shows us opportunities to heal. 

Grief offers a journey to transformation. 

Allowing the full range of our emotional experience can be terrifying. Our feelings are a source of incredible power… And trusting our own power is something particularly hard for women in this world.

Sheryl Crowley felt this deep in her bones. Throughout her seven months in the Become Internationally Known program, she learned to befriend her emotions and allow them to guide her in the studio with the support of our community of artists. 

Each distinct feeling opened a portal for her intuition. She let this energy show her the way to making a POWERFUL body of new work addressing the mistreatment and anger of women.

Sheryl’s new Medusa series is dynamic and evokes a wide array of experiences… From laughter to anger, sorrow and justice. 

Check out more of her work here.

Medusa In Love, Acrylic on canvas, 30in x 24in, 2020, Still In The Sleeping Hours…, Acrylic 16in x 12in, 2020, Medusa of Vengeance, Acrylic 16in x 12in, 2020, Hear Me, I Must Speak, Acrylic, 36in x 24in, 2020


What has Sheryl Crowley been up to since our last post? 

Everyday Sheryl Crowley continues working to live up to her, “iconic image of a Bad-Ass Crone.” 

As her work becomes more immersive and interactive, she has found ways to flush out ideas and increase engagement with her viewers in exhibitions. 

Recent exhibitions included improvisational dance, working with larger materials, dividing the gallery in interesting ways and allowing viewers to physically carry her work as they moved throughout the space. 

Sheryl has also become more organized and prepared in terms of her professional materials! She is more confident about her artist statement, CV, and documentation so that she can use them in future applications and exhibitions. 

Last but not least, she has developed an extensive mailing list and learned how to promote her work more authentically. 

Check out her latest work here: