Spotlight Artist: Marie Faulkner

What Marie Faulkner’s “Ah hah” moment can teach us

You know that feeling of being totally stuck in your studio...  Working on a piece for days, hours or weeks... And still not knowing what to do? 

Then finally, breaking through and having one of those mind-blowing "Ah hah?" moments?

This moment of finding your way to the other side is pure magic… 

But rarely comes without first sitting with some very uncomfortable feelings. 

Becoming Artist, Marie Faulkner had to do this very thing. 

3 months ago, when Marie started the 9-month Become Internationally Known Program she had quite the Inner Critic she had to face… One that brought up a boatload of uncomfortable feelings.

After facing her Inner Critic she not only created a series of gorgeous new paintings, but uncovered the reason behind everything she does. 

Marie discovered what we like to call her “Big Why.”

You see, Marie is a healer and an artist… And is passionate about healing humanity’s relationship to Mother Earth. 

Her Inner Critic kept telling her that these two parts of her life were separate… And that her own healing journey was not an incredible opportunity to make heart connections and to transform fear into love. 

Now, she sees clearly that it is just the opposite. Her art and her healing work are one and the same. 

In her own words: 

“Before starting the Program I was making art that I liked but it didn't really feel connected to a bigger picture or a greater vision…I have become much more self-assured as an emerging artist. I now feel like there is an endless amount of potential for me to express myself as an artist. 

I am no longer afraid to be seen by others, instead I feel delighted at the thought of engaging with the public with my art making…I also feel so much more complete as a person, having finally, after all these years, brought back into my life that artist part of me that I've been longing to BECOME for so long. “

Check out Marie and her work here. 

Abundance (Beyond the Familiar series) Mixed media on board, 24 x 36in, 2022, Dawning (Beyond the Familiar series) Mixed media on canvas, 24 x 36in, 2022, Evolution (Beyond the Familiar series), Mixed media on board, 17 x 24in, 2022, Matrix (Beyond the Familiar series)

Mixed media on board, 22 x 28in, 2022

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